Thursday, May 5, 2011

Southern University Planning to Merge with a "White" School???

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has proposed a merger of Southern University at New Orleans (a Historically Black University) with the University of New Orleans (a predominantly White university).

The Black community in New Orleans is protesting the merger because they believe it would cause them to lose their legacy as a traditionally Black school.

Governor Jindal says: “It makes no sense to have colleges blocks apart, neither one of them with graduation rates we can accept"

^^^It's that kind of commentary that makes us think the governor is GIVING UP on the Black community rather than working with them to find a solution.

You would THINK that, as a man of color, Governor Jindal would be a little more sympathetic to the Black community. But obviously he's only focusing on the money...SMH, we gotta do better people!!!

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