Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Blagojevich Sentenced To 14 Years In Prison
Former governor of Illinois, Rod R. Blagojevich was sentenced on today, December 7th to 14 years in federal prison for 18 felony corruption convictions, including trying to sell or trade the Senate seat that President Obama left behind when he moved to the White House.
Blagojevich spoke before the federal judge who will decide his sentence for 18 felony corruption convictions, including trying to sell or trade the Senate seat that President Obama left behind when he moved to the White House.
“I have nobody to blame but myself for my stupidity and actions, words, things that I did, that I thought I could do,” he said.
"...Senate seats for sale! Senate seats for sale!" Can't you just imaging someone hollering that on a corner. ...Sure he is remorseful, he got caught. If he hadn't, then what? This is maddening.