Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is Stacey Dash Getting Fired From “Single Ladies”?

Word on the street is that Stacey Dash may not be coming back next season. Apparently Stacey is still acting like the diva on the set. If you remember Stacey stormed off the set during a scene and picked a fight Lisa Raye, which left everyone on the set was stunned, because Lisa Raye dіd nothing to provoke this behavior.

It was an intimate dinner party scene so everyone was in cocktail dresses, and Stacey was screaming and running around іn her thousand dollar Louboutins:

“Nο, I ain’t coming back unless that b*tch gets her as* kicked!”

Why can't black folks work together?  The show is successful, just work with it!!!!  I know folks don't like Lisa Raye, but at least she knows when she has a good thing! 

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