Friday, August 26, 2011
Here We Go Again!!! Republican Admits To Paying Male Prostitute But Says “I’m Not Gay”...
Ok, I am getting real tired of this! What you stand for should match your personal life...right? Not in politics.
Even though emails directly link Indiana Republican Phil Hinkle to 18-year-old African American male prostitute, Kameryn Gibson, Hinkle claims that he isn’t gay. (yea...right!)
In the emails, which Hinkle admits sending, he arranged to pay up to $140 for a “real good time.” Hinkle has also admitted meeting Gibson who posted he was looking for a “sugar daddy.”
The Indianopolis Star reports:
Kameryn Gibson, the 18-year-old who said he was looking for a “sugga daddy” in the Craigslist posting, told The Star that he tried to leave the room that night and called his sister Megan after Hinkle identified himself as a lawmaker. He also said Hinkle tried to keep him from leaving, exposed himself and then — after his sister arrived — offered them $100 cash, an iPad and a Blackberry to keep quiet.
Hinkle said he’s not excusing his actions, which he called “stupid, but not illegal.” Both Hinkle and Kameryn Gibson say that money exchanged hands but that neither engaged in a sex act.
Hinkle also said Tuesday he’s not a homosexual.
“I say that emphatically,” he said. “I’m not gay.”
It doesn't matter if you are gay or not, the issue is you are out against gay rights and your consider yourself "the religious right" and you do stuff like this? LIAR!
We really have to stop voting for these frauds! These repulicons don't give a crap about us (the people) or this country!
too bad...he's kinda cute too! Minus those brows