Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CRAZY!!!!! L.A.D.O.T. Officers Investigated For Being In A Porn Video!!!!

This is crazy!!!  Two officers from the The Los Angeles Department of Transportation are being investigated for appearing in a sexually explicit video.

Here is what NBC Los Angeles reports:
"The video, which is available on a popular adult subscription website, tracks the interactions of a porn actress as she approaches men in a range of work environments.Various men in the film appear to grope her and perform a range of sex acts with her. In one scene, the actress jumps into the arms of an LA traffic officer, who spanks her and then fondles her bare breasts.A second traffic officer takes a few spankings from the woman, then allows her to get into his official city car, where she performs lewd acts on herself".

And...they thought this wouldn't get out???? Stupid!!!!  

This is why California is going bankrupt! 

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