Tuesday, January 11, 2011

BET Co-Founder Criticizes the OWN Network

Sheila Johnson, the co-founder of the BET network, has slammed Oprah's new OWN channel for having a "lack of diversity".

When asked on her opinion of OWN during an NPR interview, Sheila said this:
"The only advice that I say, let’s open up your circle a little bit more. You know, we love the Dr. Phils. We love the Suze Ormans. Let’s open up. There are other people. And there’s also African-American experts out there that I think she should start bringing on her show that can reach even a wider audience."

Hmm...we're gonna have to agree with Sheila on this one! Oprah's channel doesn't offer any diversity; as a Black woman you'd think she'd be more interested in giving people like her an opportunity.

But it's not like BET is doing any better nowadays! They have all Black programming but it's mostly bafoonery that makes us look bad. So which is better...no diversity? Or diversity that makes a mockery of our culture?

What do you think?? Should Oprah put more professionals of color on her network?

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