Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wesley Snipes Ordered To Pa. Prison For Tax Evasion Next Week

Wesley Snipes was ordered Wednesday to voluntarily surrender at a federal prison in Pennsylvania next week to start his three-year sentence for failing to pay taxes.

The U.S. Marshal’s Office ordered Snipes to report to the Federal Correctional Institution McKean in Lewis Run, Pennsylvania by noon on Dec. 9.

He tried unsuccessfully to remain free on bail while appealing his conviction to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Following his conviction by a federal jury in Ocala, Florida,  Snipes appealed to the appellate court in Atlanta. But the appellate court upheld the conviction and sentence.

I hope he finally realizes that black people do have to pay taxes!!!!


  1. Dang, another Black celeb in Jail for tax evasion

  2. To the poster -

    I think your closing comment is very harsh. Did he evade taxes? Yes. But there are PLENTY of white celebs that don't get humiliated and aired out to dry this way, even though they've committed similar, if not more damaging, crimes. Wesley Snipes doesn't represent all black people and their legal issues, just himself.
