Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The "Real" Housewives...All That Glitters Ain't Gold, Boo!!

So I'm pretty sure that by now everyone has viewed AT LEAST one episode of Bravo's "Real Housewives" tv show.

In case you've been living under a rock, here's the low down:
This show follows women that claim to be part of the upper crest of their communities, living in the laps of luxury all while maintaining beautiful homes and seemingly perfect lives. Although it started in Orange County, the "Real Housewives" franchise now also follows women in New York, Atlanta, New Jersey, and Washington DC.

But this facade of perfect husbands, perfect children, and perfect homes is quickly fading! It is becoming obvious that in these hard economic times, even the richest of the rich (or so they claim) are pinching pennies and still losing money.

Take Teresa Giudice, for example. She was the table-flipping, slightly ditzy member of the New Jersey cast who claimed that her husband Joe was a successful investor. Teresa and her husband even went as far as to custom-build a home worth OVER $2 million. Take a look at their lavish home:

Looks nice right? Marble floors, Beautiful furniture, the works!
But in recent news, the public has learned that Teresa and her husband were $11 MILLION in debt and filed for bankruptcy due to failed business ventures. They only earned only $79,000 last year and they have four children and three houses (ummm is that considered rich??? If so, I think I might be rich too...). Now their main home is in foreclosure and all of their goods are being held for auction. Click this link to see the long list of items that are being auctioned off (including their bedroom set and the oven!! so scandalous)---> Reality Tea

Moving right along, let's take a look at one of the housewives from Atlanta...NeNe Leakes.

Miss Nene is by far the most popular housewife from Atlanta and arguably the most popular in the whole franchise. She is known for her loud (dare I say obnoxious?) personality and her over-the-top presence. Standing at 6 feet tall she's hard to ignore.

In past seasons Nene has always been the center of drama with the other housewives, but lately it seems that the real drama is what's going on when the cameras aren't rolling. Nene's life has gone from calm to a total mess in a very short time span. First her son Bryson (who was supposed to have been attending school at Clark Atlanta but later dropped out) was arrested on drug charges:

Then her appearance changed dramatically:

And now, the one thing that seemed to provide some sense of stability in her life (her relationship with her sugar daddy husband Greg) is rumored to be over.

Both of these women (Teresa and Nene) have denied profusely that things are falling apart, but the evidence screams otherwise! There are plenty more examples where that came from, but I'm sure you get my point. These women run around acting like their lives are so perfect when in reality they can't pay their bills!! How many folks have we seen that act like that?

I'll give them a little credit, things can be difficult when all of your dirty laundry is aired out for everyone to see. But it seems to me that these housewives are far from being real.

What do you guys think? Have these women been real or honest about who they are? How would you handle things if you were in their shoes? Let us know!

1 comment:

  1. I believe that everyone, to some extent, tries to make things in their life look better then it really is. This usually doesn't hold up for too long because usually something breaks and reveals that you're a phony (which everybody knew anyway). But the problem with this when being done by someone who is followed by the media, the bottom falls out much quicker and the results are probably more tragic. I can hide some things from a few people for a while and when it comes out its not that big of a deal, when Nene or Teresa hides things everybody already knows that they didn't have it that good and them more people lose respect for them.
