Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Word on the street is that Beyonce will be dropping her father Matthew Knowles as her manager and will be hiring her husband, Rapper and Mogul Jay - Z, and his newly formed Management company.  According to MTO ever since the divorce of her parents, Beyonce has been drifting apart from her father professionally and personally.   Plus, Beyonce wants to be more edgy and relevant, and her father wants her to make more mature music which she is not in agreement with.

It is porobably a good idea to make her hubby her new manager because he has done wonders with Rihanna's career.  Let's just hope Beyonce doesn't go too far off the deep end. 
Maybe Jay-z's management company should take control over Kelly Rowland's career as well.  I have no idea what she's doing!


  1. Kelly Rowland is doing a little something something. I saw a video the other day that had her in like some armyesque shiny leather body suit where it was her (red) versus herself (black). I didn't like the song and the video graphics were pretty basic.

  2. That's exactly why Kelly needs help. But I'm not sure about this switch to Jay-Z as her manager. I just thought it wasn't good to mix business and pleasure. I'm not saying to keep her dad because that's obviously not working, but maybe she should keep her professional life seprate from her personal life. This might be a case where life immitates art (Dream Girls)
    Oh, and about Rihanna...Jay-Z has done a great job, especially since she can't sing!
