Sunday, October 7, 2012

NYC Woman SUES Doctor for Correctly Diagnosing her with HIV

A Brooklyn, NYC doctor is being sued by his patient for properly diagnosing her with HIV. The patient, who has chosen to remain unidentified, is suing Dr. Pavel Yutsis because she never requested the HIV testing process.

Patient Jane Doe was receiving Vitamin B-12 deficiency treatments when Dr. Yutsis tested her without consent. The state of New York requires that all doctors give their patients an explanation for the testing and receive the patient's consent before the test is administered. According to legal documentation, the patient was very adamant that she did NOT want HIV testing (hmm, maybe she already had a feeling).

Dr. Pavel Yutsis

Jane Doe, a Harlem resident, also claims that after she'd been given the results, the doctor made no effort to offer her the counseling or the assistance that she was rightfully entitled to under New York state law. She is seeking damages for "terror, confusion, embarrassment, and emotional distress".

This sounds like a moral issue. Why wouldn't you want to know if you were HIV positive? At least now she has a chance to live alot longer!!!

Would you be mad if your doctor told you something you didn't want to know?

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